Finding Your Best Fit (Kawartha Fury Lacrosse)

PrintFinding Your Best Fit
House League or Rep?
Families new to lacrosse might be unsure as to which "stream" to register their child(ren). This page is meant to help you make the best choice for you and your athlete(s). 

House League 
House League is a great place to begin your lacrosse journey. Athletes will be placed on balanced teams. Family members and friends can often be placed together by request. Age brackets can even be blended, as long as the fit is appropriate for all parties. Once a week (Saturday mornings), each team will complete a mini practice / warm-up and then compete in a game. House League will begin in mid-April and end in late June. The total number of House League teams will be dependent upon registration numbers. Last year there were two at each age group. We are hoping that number rises this year!

Rep is a good fit for players who are looking for a more competitive pathway - one with travel and an increased volume of games and practices. Rep teams will practice two days a week and games will be sprinkled throughout. Tryouts for Rep start as early as March (depending on the team), but the season will not begin until Mid-April and end in late July. Rep teams offer less flexibility personnel-wise, as coaches may have to make cuts (depending on numbers). The cost for rep is also higher, as families will have to factor in greater travel costs and things like tournaments.